Ah yes! Why not let your fellow passengers derive the pleasure of smelling your unidentified (unidentifiable?) “take-away”?

Surely, in view of the inclement weather, he would have better chosen to eat his victuals INSIDE the dispensing food (I use the term loosely) establishment where it would have been a) warmer, and b) enabled him to place his container in the bin. This was left on the seat of the bus stop for some other poor individual to clean up after him.

What bus stops are for?


Wembley Park beckons – where this charming couple, riding the Metropolitan Line will thankfully exit.
He has finished his coffee and read (well, looked at all the pictures in) his Standard, so he places it next to his beloved who is bashing away at her social meeja. Both, you will notice have their feet comfortably up on the carriage’s pleasantly upholstered seats. Pleasant until that is, they settled in!

What IS that wrapped around his head anyway?

More morons on the Metropolitan Line


Unafraid as i am about being considered racist, why IS it that there seems now to be a preponderance of Asian wimmin who seem to think it’s amusing to eat their smelly food on the Tube?

Even the schoolboy to her right seemed to be surprised.Obviously, too much time to be buying these stinky morsels and not enough time to consume them at the point of sale.

Following my intervention and public shaming her, she got off at the next stop!!!

A thought: The reason why so many of these “fast food” outlets have little or no seating in them is because they (the owners) don’t want their customers ponging out the place!!!

Do us a favour love, if you MUST eat it in public, do it on the platform BEFORE you get into the carriage and make us bilious!

Oh, and do you ever look at yourself and what you’re wearing before you go out? Or is it just a quick visit to the nearest charity shop and away you go?

Here’s a clip from The London Evening Standard last year on the subject: